Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Forever Learning: Ballet? Zumba?

I went to my first Zumba class this morning at Forever Learning, an organization for us older folks in Michiana where one can learn anything from Beginning German to Chinese cooking to The Papacy in the 14th Century.  Last fall I tried Ballet.  I've never had a dance class and thought it was time to give it a try.

Ballet was a challenge--a mental challenge more than a physical challenge really.   The instructor was wonderful--patient and encouraging--a model teacher with a diverse group of students.  I was still teaching then and the class reminded me of my own adult education students--all at different levels and with different abilities.

I decided that this semester I wanted to try something more upbeat that would give me a good workout.  Zumba!  I thought that at a place like Forever Learning it couldn't be too challenging physically.

How do I feel now?  Stiff.  Tired.  And challenged again.  At one point, the instructor said that we had time for one or two more songs.  Someone in the front row shouted out "Two more."  I quietly said  "One?"

I will discipline myself to go back next week.  I probably won't want to, but I know it is good for my body and my psyche as well.

No, this is not a photo of our class.  Try to imagine 30 women of a certain age dancing to Latin music.  It's another picture entirely!

My daughter often ends her blog with a question thus encouraging comments.  What do you do for exercise?  Any other suggestions for my aging body?


  1. I like yoga. It feels so good (and I have aches and stiffness). But you make the music sound inviting. I used to swim, a long, long time ago, and a couple of years ago thought I'd try it again. I thought I'd start with 10 laps. Ha! After two, I had to stop. I like to walk, too, but it's problematic 8 mos. of the year in the Pacific Northwest. Same for you this winter, I am sure!

  2. Mary, I am doing AquaFit classes at the Y here. It's been good for me to get exercise in a way that does not exacerbate my back problems. I can tell I am stronger. And the warm water of the pool has been wonderful during this long, cold winter. I am one of the youngest members of the class, by a lot. I'm also doing Aqua Zumba!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I would be interested in knowing where your friend Debby goes to yoga? Would love to find somewhere where it really is for beginners and not too costly. Also interested in pilates. Need to work now on my core

  5. My friend Debby lives in the state of Washington. Sorry, Nancy. We can both investigate opportunities in our area.

  6. Walking or biking (when the weather is nice again), and yoga (at home with the app "Yoga Studio"). Yoga is great for aging bodies...loosens up all my stiff and achy muscles and strengthens. I"ve tried classes, but find that I like being on my own better. Classes do make me more accountable, but also make me more busy.
